Ente Pengunjung Ke

Jenis-Jenis Hubungan Sama Teman Setelah Ada Socmed

Temen dateng dan pergi, kayak bus. Kalo kita pikir-pikir, temen banyak yang dateng dari hubungan sosial kita sehari-hari. Dengan kata lain, kita bisa nemuin itu baik secara offline maupun online. Dan, yang kita rasain sekarang ini, kita lebih banyak berhubungan dengan orang-orang di sekitar kita melalui media digital. Karena itu, bisa disimpulkan kalo perkembangan ‘hubungan’ di social media juga berpengaruh terhadap pandangan seseorang tentang seorang ‘teman.’

Yuk kita lihat.

1. Liat di Timeline Temen
Keadaan seperti ini biasanya merupakan pertemanan secara tak langsung, atau ya bener-bener gak kenal. Biasanya si A adalah temennya temen si B. Tapi dari pandangan B ya seperti sudah temen sendiri karena kan temennya temen. Dan temennya temen adalah temen B juga. Pusing.

*Pertanyaannya, ada berapa kata “teman” pada paragraf di atas?

Apa kata dia kalo ditanya mengenai si A?
“Oh, si A! Hahaha, iya-iya tau, itu mah temennya temen gua kok. Kenal lah! Masa nggak sih. Kemaren juga gua bareng sama dia (cuma dia gak sadar aja ada gua di situ). Emang kenapa-kenapa?”

2. Udah Temenan dari 3 Tahun Lalu (Tanpa Interaksi)
Kasus kayak gini sebenernya dua-duanya pengen kenal satu sama lain. Cuma antara gengsi nyapa duluan, atau ya dua-duanya introvert. Penginnya dikenalin sama yang bener-bener kenal dulu baru bisa temenan. Cerita ini berakhir dengan suasana liat-liatan timeline, cukup tau aja.

Apa kata dia kalo ditanya mengenai si A?
“Hehehe, iya tau kok. Kemaren dia lagi di Bali kan? Gua liat tuh foto-fotonya. Di Facebook.”
“Oh, lo kenal juga?”
“Nggak, tau doang.”

3. Sering Saling Like dan Nylametin Pas Ultah
Kita udah sampe di tingkat selanjutnya. Pertemanan ini lebih terlihat temenan. Karena interaksi saling like terjadi. Mungkin juga kadang nyapa, ya dalam kurun sebulan sekali lah maksimal. Dan yang paling penting, jangan lupa!! Wajib selametin dia pas ultah, karena udah baik-baik diingetin sama Facebook kan?! Masa gak kita pake teknologi sebaik itu?!

Apa kata dia kalo ditanya mengenai si A?
“Gua suka deh postingan-postingan dia, fotonya bagus!”
“Temen lo??!”
“Iya lah!... Kayaknya.”

4. Banyak Foto Lagi Barengan
Kalo kalian udah di tahap ini, berarti kalian udah beneran temenan. Bukan temenan tapi dusta.

Beda lagi kalo kalian ternyata fotonya sama temen khayalan, kita gak tau itu masuknya ke golongan mana sih?!

Karena kalian sering barengan, maka tingkat kepositifan kalo kalian temenan cukup tinggi. Iya dong? Ngapain juga barengan mulu kalo bukan temen? Gak kembar dempet kan?

Apa kata dia kalo ditanya mengenai si A?
“Iya lah temen gua ituh!! Minggu lalu gua sama dia, kmaren sama dia, ini besok pagi-pagi gua udah pergi sama dia lagi. Die mulu!!”

5. Tiap Hari Chat dan Foto Bareng Terus
Hubungan pertemanan makin tinggi, biasanya dibarengi sama tingkat hubungan di social media yang makin tinggi pula.

Wajib absen nge-like fotonya, ngechat buat sekedar ngobrol, mantengin profilenya sambil cek timelinenya, buat tau dia lagi ngapain.

Apa kata dia kalo ditanya mengenai si A?
“Itu temen lu?”
“Hahaha, iya dulu.”
“Sekarang kayaknya kita pacaran aja deh. Nanggung.”

Oh gitu.

Kira-kira kalian udah sampe di tahap mana nih?! Hubungan sama temennya gimana?

sumbernya nih >> nyunyu.com

5.8 Figure 5.14 Validating Input Using do-while Statement

5.7 Figure 5.13 Nested Counting Loop Program

5.7 Figure 5.12 Program to Process Bald Eagle Sightings for a Year

5.6 Figure 5.11 Batch Version of Sum of Exam Scores Program

5.6 Figure 5.10 Sentinel-Controlled while Loop

5.5 Figure 5.9 Program to Monitor Gasoline Storage Tank

5.4 Figure 5.8 Displaying a Celsius-to-Fahrenheit Conversion Table

5.4 Figure 5.7 Function to Compute Factorial

5.4 Figure 5.5 Using a for Statement in a Counting Loop

5.3 Figure 5.4 Program to Compute Company Payroll

5.2 Figure 5.2 Program Fragment With a Loop

3.8 Computing The Nth Fibonacci Number


1. Analisisnya
     Program Menghitung jumlah fibonacci n
2. Identifikasi
       Input     : banyak baris fibonacic
       Output   : jumlah deret
3. Algoritmanya
                int i,c;
                int a = 0;
                int b = 1;
                int masuk;
                int jumlah = 1;


3.7 Raising A Number To A Large Power


1. Analisisnya
     Program Menghitung Bilangan Berpangkat Sampai N
2. Identifikasi
       Input     : bilangan dan batas angka
       Output   : hasil perpangkatan
3. Algoritmanya
                a,b,c,hasil (Integer)
      Deskripsinya     :
    while (1)
    if ( b>=0 )
    c = 1;
    while ( !(c>b))
    c = c+1;

3.6 Generating Of Pseudo Random Numbers


1. Analisisnya
     Program Mencari Bilangan Acak
2. Identifikasi
       Input     : angka acak
       Output   : bilangan acak
3. Algoritmanya
                a,b,c,d,e,f (Integer)
      Deskripsinya     :
    b = 2175;
    c = 721;
    d = a+1;
    e = 1234;
    f = ((c*e)+b)%d;  

Generating Prime Numbers

Setiap integer bisa di ekspresikan ke dalam hasil bilangna atau angka. Prima pola algoritma untuk memperhitungkan semua factor prima dan sebuah integer.

input dan output

A= integer
R= integer
I= integer


A ß x div y
R ß x mod x
I ß 0
While ( r =0) or (a > y) do
If ( I :: 0) then
I= i+1
X [i] ß y
Y ß a
If r > I then
[i] = r
End while

test data

Y= 2
Q =16/2 =8
While (r-o) ll (Q > y) do
If (r ==0) I = [+1]
X [i] =2

jika diaplikasikan ke dalam c++

Class prima {
Friend ostream& operator << (ostream& prima&);
Friend istream& operator >>(istream& prima7);
Void prima ();
Prima ();
Int + [50],I,n;
Int Q,R,S;
Void prima :: prima (){
Q= n/5;
While ((r=0) ll(Q >5)0{
If (r==0){
R= i+1;
N= Q; }
Q = n/5;
R= n % 5 ;}
If ( n> 1){
I= I + 1
F [i]=n }

Odex Deodex All Rom.. Gampang Method :D Try It.. Work 100 persen

Would you like to speed up your rom, more stability, more battery life, no lag to open system app and better ram utilization? Now you can! (Only For Rooted Phone And Deodexed Rom)

This is possible with my Odexer Tool created myself.
I worked a lot of time to create this script.

What is ODEX and DEODEX?
In Android file system, applications come in packages with the extension .apk. These application packages, or APKs contain certain .odex files whose supposed function is to save space. These odex files are actually collections of parts of an application that are optimized before booting. Doing so speeds up the boot process, as it preloads part of an application. On the other hand, it also makes hacking those applicationsdifficult because a part of the coding has already been extracted to another location before execution.
Deodexing is basically repackaging of these APKs in a certain way, such that they are reassembled into classes.dex files. By doing that, all pieces of an application package are put together back in one place, thus eliminating theworry of a modified APK conflicting with some separate odexed parts.
In summary, Deodexed ROMs (or APKs) have all their application packages put back together in one place, allowing for easy modification such as theming. Since no pieces of code are coming from any external location, custom ROMs or APKs are always deodexed to ensure integrity.

Another explanation is this:
If you odex the rom, you'll have also more space in data (this is important because if you don't have partition ext4 in sdcard, you won't have too free space), increase battery life, more stability and increase perfomance( the Rom is more faster to load system and app) but you can't modifie apk after odex (you can't mod program with classes.dex).
Infact ODEX is an OPTIMIZED-DEX and Android load system and app faster than deodexed (DEOPTIMIZED-DEX) app and system.
When you have a deodex file (a lot of roms are deodexed) you have File.apk in system/app and in data/dalvik-cache/system@app@File.apk@classes.dex, but with odex file you have File.apk in system/app and File.odex in system/app

With these explanation you can understand that:
Odexed Rom = +fast -difficult_customization +more_battery_life +better_stability +less_ram_utilization
Deodexed Rom = -slow +customization -less_battery_life -less_stability -worse_ram_manager

If you run my script with remove classes.dex and zipalign disabled your rom will be odexed without "-difficult_customization"

My script does (it depends by option):
- odex framework
- odex app in system/app
- odex app in system/priv-app (if you have android kitkat)
- remove classes.dex and zipalign from jar/apk (if you enable this option)

All commands of my script:
+ frame [odex all framework]
+ sysapp [odex all system apps]
+ all [odex framework and system apps]
+ set [change settings of the script];
> 1 [enable/disable remove classes.dex and zipalign]
> 2 [back]
+ exit [exit from the script]

WORKING IN ALL ROM (Froyo, GingerBread, IceCreamSandwich, JellBean And KitKat)

- @MatrixDJ96 (Me)
- MrTony68 (Beta Tester)
- @Thyrus (Beta Tester)
- @angel.sea (For Support)


Odexer Tool 1.1.1
- Fixed "elif syntax error"
Odexer Tool 1.1
- Fixed creation of flashable zip in some device
- Disabled command to change settings with kitkat
- Fixed minor bugs
Odexer Tool 1.0
- First stable version

Important Dalvik

1 - Remove all files .odex from /system/app, /system/framework (and /system/priv-app if you have android kitkat)
2 - Enable "Remove classes.dex & Zipalign"

The Options "Remove classes.dex" & "Zipalign" Must Be Disabled!

To Odex Framework (Command 'dexo -fr') You Must Have At Least 16% Of Free Space In System.
To Odex System Apps (Command 'dexo -sys') You Must Have At Least 26% Of Free Space In System.

How to odex:
- download file
- go to recovery
- install zip
- reboot
- open terminal emulator (will be installed automaticaly)
- setting terminal type "Linux"
- type su to obtain root permission
- type odex and enjoy!


I hope that all are clear

Download link: download sini aja..


Very Thank to >>  MatrixDJ96  

Sumber >> xda-developers nya master MatrixDJ96 :) 

The Smallest Divisor of an Integer

>>> Masalah Di berikan sebuah n integer kemudian memikirkan algoritma untuk menentukan pembagi terkecil selain angka 1.
>>> input dan output
X=integer (input)
D= integer
Kpk = integer (output)

>>> algoritma
Menetukan pembagi terkecil dari sebuah bilangan

R= integer
Read x
R ß sqrt (x);
D ß 3
If (n ! = n) then kpk =2
While (n mod d ≤ 0) and (d < r) do
D ß d + 2
If (n mod :: 0) then kpk. D
Else then kpk=1
End while

>>> test data

X= 25
R= 5
If(x! =x)
Kpk =2
While x mod <> 0 end (d < r)
Kpk = d+2

lanjut ke bahas C++ yukk..

Friend istream& operator >> (istream&, terkecil&);
Friend ostream& operator >> (ostream&, terkecil&);
Void kpk ();
Private ;
Int x,n,d,k;
Istream& operator >> (istream& in, terkecil& a)}
Cout <<”masukan bilangan “ ; in >> a,x;}
Ostream& operator << (ostream out. Terkecil& b)}
Out << “hasilnya “ << b.k <<endl; }
Terkecil::terkecil (){
Cout <<”mencari kpk “ ; }
Void terkecil :: kpk (){
If (n! =n) k= 3;
Else while (n % d<) 0 && d < r ){
If (n % d :: 0 ) k=d;
Else k = 1;}
Int main (){
terkecil m;
Cin >>m ;
m.FPB ();
cout <<m ;
getch ();
return 0;

[MOD][APP] OGWhatsApp v2.11.193 > 2 numbers in one device [NO ROOT]

OGWhatsApp is a modded version of WhatsApp for Android that always you to use 2 numbers of WhatsApp in one device Without "Root" and they works in one time :o

  • You can use 2 numbers in one device
  • You can take a Backup of Data & restore it
  • You can choose the app icon
  • Copy contacts status
  • Preview images without saving it locally
  • Watch videos online without download (Open them on Video Players (such as MX Player))
  • And more


  1. Take a backup for your messages (In case you want the messages)
  2. Clear WhatsApp data (or reinstall it)
  3. Rename /sdcard/WhatsApp folder to /sdcard/OGWhatsApp
  4. In OG version verify the old number, and in official version verify the new one

You can download OGWhatsApp from here

Enjoy & Share ;)

XDA:DevDB Information
OGWhatsApp, a App for the No Device

Credit and thanks to Contributors :)

sumber >> klik sini


How To Add QuickPanel 3Minit QuickLaunch Panel

The quicklauncher panel:
It is simply a scrollable panel of app shortcuts that you instantly launch from your drop down panel. You can launch apps from inside other app without the need to exit to home screen first. You can also edit and order the shortcuts to suit your needs.

The idea:
When I started writing this mod I wanted to make it as easy to implement as possible which means no smali changes. I also wanted to make it universal for most android devices so thats what you get.

Implementation Guide:
This guide assumes you can already decompile and recompile an .apk correctly. If you cannot do this please don`t ask me how there are already lots of guides on how to do this here at XDA.


  • A deodexed SystemUI.apk with a api level of 16 or higher
  • Knowledge of decompiling and recompiling the .apk.
  • These files: Download. MD5:bc0afe23017cb58420c0422dac1f0836
  1. Decompile the SystemUI.apk and navigate to smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy
  2. Copy the quicklaunch folder from the downloaded files and paste it into the above location
  3. Navigate to res/layout and open status_bar_expanded.xml look for this line: 
<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@id/scrollCart" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">

  1. (Note this is based on TW stock files you may have to mess with the location in your file to find correct placemant)
  2. Directly below that line add:
    <HorizontalScrollView android:scrollbars="none" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content">
                <com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.quicklaunch.QuickLaunchContainer android:gravity="center" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
  3. Recompile and push to your device its done:)

How to use:
To add a shortcut simply scroll all the way to the right and press the + symbol this will bring up a list of currently installed app to choose from click one to apply.

To change or remove a shortcut long press the icon and a menu will appear select the desired option by clicking it.

You can also get further functionality by getting the quicklauncher app from the Playstore for just $1. In this you can set colors, visibility of the panel and text etc and more. This will support the development thanks.

[SHARE] Google Text-to-speech updated with high definition English

The engine powering speech output for Android has seen an update. The service, which provides vocal feedback for a variety of apps and services, now has less robotic voices, should you want them. The higher quality voices have a pretty hefty file size, but if you use txt-to-speech much, they might be worth it.

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